If you are new to hosting, searching for good and affordable web hosting will be a tedious job. If you search the term “Best hosting” on Google, you will find a list of companies claiming to be the best hosting provider. When you dig down a bit you will find that the types of hostings are even more confusing.

You will know that there are 3 types of hostings shared, VPS, and Dedicated. But what’s the difference between these three and which one you should choose?
Here in this guide, we will take a deep dig into the types of hosting.
What is Shared Hosting?
When multiple websites are hosted on a single physical server sharing all its resources, this setup is called Shared hosting. Hosting companies configure physical servers with a big chunk of resources and then host multiple websites to it. All the websites share resources(RAM, CPU, Bandwidth, and Storage) that are available on the server.
Advantages of shared hosting – The biggest advantage of shared hosting is that it’s highly affordable. You will even see that some companies are offering 10+ websites on their $5 plans with unlimited resources. That sounds awesome but, it’s just a trick to gain customers as they don’t have to do anything with the performance they are offering.
Another benefit of shared hosting is that it is easy to set up. With just some clicks you will be able to install and configure CMS like WordPress without even coding.
Disadvantages of shared hosting – The biggest disadvantage of shared hosting is that, if other websites are using higher resources, your website’s performance will reduce to a greater extent or it won’t open at all. Although companies promise to deliver high performance they won’t guarantee you to deliver stability.
Another disadvantage of shared hosting is that you won’t have complete control over your website. Although you will get some options in cPanel that will help you manage your Website but, you can’t do everything like a real web server admin can.
Conclusion – If you want your website to grow, we would never recommend you go for shared hosting plans. Because, today or tomorrow, you will have lots of visitors on your website and if your physical server itself is loaded, it won’t be able to handle the traffic and will result in a poor experience for your visitors which means, loss to your business.
What is Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are the ones that have a dedicated amount of resources assigned. In this setup, VPS with a limited amount of resources (CPU, RAM, Bandwidth, and Storage) is assigned from a physical server with huge resources using virtualization. A VPS works like a small server of your own. You can set up whatever you want as per your requirements. You will have complete control over this. In case you need more resources, you can scale them up.
Advantages of VPS hosting – The biggest advantage of VPS is that you have a dedicated amount of resources and very minimal resources are shared. You can keep track of the resources utilization and you can even scale up your resources without any downtime. You can install and configure the operating system and software of your choice. VPS hosting is very powerful and you can tune your web server as per your need and squeeze more performance out of it.
Disadvantages of VPS hosting – You need to learn how you can set up a VPS. However, you can follow our setup guide to install WordPress on Rocky/Alma Linux or Ubuntu. Or you can hire an expert who will do all the necessary things for you.
Conclusion – We recommend you go for VPS hosting as it offers full control over your server as well as your website. VPS hosting is performance-oriented and thus you can get highly stable and consistent performance if configured properly.
What is Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated server hosting is very powerful as all the resources assigned to you are only available for your website. You can configure the server as per your need and in return, you get well performing, stable, and consistent user experience from your website. Although you need a good amount of knowledge to configure your server, the results will make you and your users happy. You are free to install the operating system and software of your choice which adds more compatibility to your website.
Advantages of Dedicated Hosting – Dedicated Hosting offers great performance, stability, and overall great user experience. You can scale your server as per your requirements. You will have complete control over it.
Disadvantages of Dedicated Hosting – Need a good amount of technical knowledge and are a bit pricy when compared to VPS.
Our Final Words
If you have a website that is the main source of revenue generation we recommend you go for VPS or Dedicated hosting. If your website is new, VPS should be the best choice for you, but if you have a well-settled website, you should go for dedicated hosting.
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